Produkt zum Begriff Foundation-Web-Design-:
Web Design In Simple Steps
Discover everything you want to know about web design in this easy to use guide, from the most essential tasks that you’ll want to perform, to solving the most common problems you’ll encounter. Web Design In Simple Steps 2nd editioncovers every practical aspect you will need to master in web design that will help you to achieve immediate results.Covers all aspects from initial concept to final testing Covers planning and designing your site to maximise the user experience and navigation All areas of writing, editing, enhancing, testing & maintaining your website fully covered This series of vibrant books will teach you exactly what you need to know using A friendly, visual approach Easy-to-understand language Practical hands-on tasks Full-colour large format screenshots To build your confidence and help you to get the most out of your computer, practical hints, tips and shortcuts feature on every page: § Alert!– Explains and provides practical solutions to the most commonly encountered problems § Hot Tips– Time and effort saving shortcuts§ See Also… - Points you to other related tasks and information§ Did you Know? – Additional features to explore What does this Mean?– Jargon and technical terms explained in plain English
Preis: 11.76 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Visual Design for the Modern Web
Just as great artists must understand their tools, great Web designers must understand the technology behind their art. In Visual Design for the Web, author Penny McIntire shows novice Web designers how to use their tools--including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript--in conjunction with the principles of aesthetics and usability to become masters of their craft. Chapters begin with explanations of the terminology and techniques of web structures, then demonstrate how to apply the rules of design to create beautiful sites. The book:Illustrates how fundamental principles of design apply to the webIncludes charts, diagrams, and graphics to enhance learning and retentionCovers site analysis, navigation, layout, color, graphics, typography and formsDemonstrates multiple techniques for getting just the right look and feel for your web sitesFocuses on the characteristics that make sites usable, engaging, and memorable
Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning
Successful web design teams depend on clear communication between developers and their clients—and among members of the development team. Wireframes, site maps, flow charts, and other design diagrams establish a common language so designers and project teams can capture ideas, track progress, and keep their stakeholders informed. In this all new edition of Communicating Design, author and information architect Dan Brown defines and describes each deliverable, then offers practical advice for creating the documents and using them in the context of teamwork and presentations, independent of methodology. Whatever processes, tools, or approaches you use, this book will help you improve the creation and presentation of your wireframes, site maps, flow charts, and other deliverables. The book now features: An improved structure comprising two main sections: Design Diagrams and Design Deliverables. The first focuses on the nuts and bolts of design documentation and the second explains how to pull it all together. New deliverable: design briefs, as well as updated advice on wireframes, flow charts, and concept models. More illustrations, to help designers understand the subtle variations and approaches to creating design diagrams. Reader exercises, for those lonely nights when all you really want to do is practice creating wireframes, or for use in workshops and classes. Contributions from industry leaders: Tamara Adlin, Stephen Anderson, Dana Chisnell, Nathan Curtis, Chris Fahey, James Melzer, Steve Mulder, Donna Spencer, and Russ Unger. “As an educator, I have looked to Communicating Design both as a formal textbook and an informal guide for its design systems that ultimately make our ideas possible and the complex clear.” —Liz Danzico, from the Foreword
Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA
The Ultimate Guide for Designing and Governing Web Service Contracts For Web services to succeed as part of SOA, they require balanced, effective technical contracts that enable services to be evolved and repeatedly reused for years to come. Now, a team of industry experts presents the first end-to-end guide to designing and governing Web service contracts. Writing for developers, architects, governance specialists, and other IT professionals, the authors cover the following areas: Understanding Web Service Contract Technologies Fundamental and Advanced WSDL Fundamental and Advanced XML Schema Fundamental and Advanced WS-Policy Fundamental Message Design with SOAP Advanced Message Design with WS-Addressing Advanced Message Design with MTOM, and SwA Versioning Techniques and Strategies Web Service Contracts and SOA
Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie kann man das Interesse an Web-Entwicklung und Design wecken?
1. Durch das Ausprobieren von einfachen Web-Entwicklungs-Tools wie HTML und CSS. 2. Durch das Ansehen von Tutorials und Online-Kursen zu Web-Entwicklung und Design. 3. Durch die Teilnahme an Hackathons und Meetups, um sich mit Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen und neue Fähigkeiten zu erlernen.
Was sind die wichtigsten Schritte bei der Web-Entwicklung, die sowohl das Frontend-Design als auch das Backend-Programmieren umfassen?
Bei der Web-Entwicklung ist es wichtig, zuerst die Anforderungen des Projekts zu verstehen und zu dokumentieren. Danach erfolgt die Erstellung eines Wireframes oder Prototyps, um das Frontend-Design zu planen. Anschließend wird das Backend programmiert, um die Funktionalität der Website oder Anwendung zu implementieren. Abschließend erfolgt das Testen und die Fehlerbehebung, um sicherzustellen, dass sowohl das Frontend-Design als auch das Backend-Programmieren einwandfrei funktionieren.
Wie lautet der Oberbegriff für die folgenden Dinge: Deep Web, Darknet, World Wide Web, Web?
Der Oberbegriff für die genannten Dinge ist "Internet". Das Deep Web bezieht sich auf den Teil des Internets, der nicht über Suchmaschinen zugänglich ist, während das Darknet auf anonyme Kommunikation und den Zugang zu illegalen Inhalten abzielt. Das World Wide Web ist der öffentliche Teil des Internets, in dem Websites und Webseiten zugänglich sind.
Was ist Web Tracking?
Was ist Web Tracking? Web Tracking bezieht sich auf die Praxis, das Verhalten von Internetnutzern online zu verfolgen, um Informationen über ihre Aktivitäten zu sammeln. Dies geschieht in der Regel mithilfe von Cookies, Pixeln oder anderen Tracking-Technologien, die auf Websites eingebettet sind. Durch Web Tracking können Unternehmen das Surfverhalten der Nutzer analysieren, personalisierte Werbung schalten und ihre Marketingstrategien optimieren. Datenschutzbedenken sind jedoch ein wichtiger Aspekt von Web Tracking, da es die Privatsphäre der Nutzer beeinträchtigen kann.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Foundation-Web-Design-:
Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design
In a chaotic world, we all crave simplicity. We don’t want to waste time reconfiguring our smartphones, fumbling over digital printers, or plodding through online forms while deadlines bear down on us. We want technology that works. Yet the harder we try to create simple user experiences, the more we tie ourselves up in knots. We are undermined by demands to cram in more features, or lured into approaches that turn out to be more complex than ever. Simplicity is a discipline that can be learned. This book shows you how–with humor, powerful examples, quotes, and case studies. This new edition has been updated to provide fresh advice for teams struggling to satisfy the conflicting demands of their stakeholders; it addresses important trends in technology; and it shows how four simple rules of simplicity can be applied to new and emerging types of interaction. More information at:
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, Global Edition
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. For courses in web development and design. Updated and expanded in this 8th Edition, Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5 presents a comprehensive introduction to the development of effective web sites. Intended for beginning web development courses, the text relates both the necessary hard skills (such as HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript) and soft skills (design, e-commerce, and promotion strategies) considered fundamental to contemporary web development. An emphasis on hands-on practice guides students, as the text introduces topics ranging from configuration and layout to accessibility techniques and ethical considerations. The 8th Edition contains updated coverage of HTML5 and CSS, expanded coverage of designing for mobile devices, and more.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Service Design Patterns: Fundamental Design Solutions for SOAP/WSDL and RESTful Web Services
Web services have been used for many years. In this time, developers and architects have encountered a number of recurring design challenges related to their usage, and have learned that certain service design approaches work better than others to solve certain problems. In Service Design Patterns, Rob Daigneau codifies proven design solutions for web services that follow the REST architectural style or leverage the SOAP/WSDL specifications. This catalogue identifies the fundamental topics in web service design and lists the common design patterns for each topic. All patterns identify the context in which they may be used, explain the constituent design elements, and explore the relative strengths and trade-offs. Code examples are provided to help you better understand how the patterns work but are kept general so that you can see how the solutions may be applied to disparate technologies that will inevitably change in the years to come. This book will help readers answer the following questions: How do you create a web service API, what are the common API styles, and when should a particular style be used? How can clients and web services communicate, and what are the foundations for creating complex conversations in which multiple parties exchange data over extended periods of time? What are the options for implementing web service logic, and when should a particular approach be used? How can clients become less coupled to the underlying systems used by a service? How can information about a web service be discovered? How can generic functions like authentication, validation, caching, and logging be supported on the client or service? What changes to a service cause clients to break? What are the common ways to version a service? How can web services be designed to support the continuing evolution of business logic without forcing clients to constantly upgrade? This book is an invaluable resource for enterprise architects, solution architects, and developers who use web services to create enterprise IT applications, commercial or open source products, and Software as a Service (SaaS) products that leverage emerging Cloud platforms.
Preis: 35.3 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning
Successful web design teams depend on clear communication between developers and their clients—and among members of the development team. Wireframes, site maps, flow charts, and other design diagrams establish a common language so designers and project teams can capture ideas, track progress, and keep their stakeholders informed. In this all new edition of Communicating Design, author and information architect Dan Brown defines and describes each deliverable, then offers practical advice for creating the documents and using them in the context of teamwork and presentations, independent of methodology. Whatever processes, tools, or approaches you use, this book will help you improve the creation and presentation of your wireframes, site maps, flow charts, and other deliverables. The book now features: An improved structure comprising two main sections: Design Diagrams and Design Deliverables. The first focuses on the nuts and bolts of design documentation and the second explains how to pull it all together. New deliverable: design briefs, as well as updated advice on wireframes, flow charts, and concept models. More illustrations, to help designers understand the subtle variations and approaches to creating design diagrams. Reader exercises, for those lonely nights when all you really want to do is practice creating wireframes, or for use in workshops and classes. Contributions from industry leaders: Tamara Adlin, Stephen Anderson, Dana Chisnell, Nathan Curtis, Chris Fahey, James Melzer, Steve Mulder, Donna Spencer, and Russ Unger. “As an educator, I have looked to Communicating Design both as a formal textbook and an informal guide for its design systems that ultimately make our ideas possible and the complex clear.” —Liz Danzico, from the Foreword
Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was ist ein Web OS?
Ein Web OS, oder auch Web-basiertes Betriebssystem, ist ein Betriebssystem, das hauptsächlich über einen Webbrowser läuft. Es ermöglicht Benutzern, Anwendungen und Dienste direkt über das Internet zu nutzen, ohne dass sie spezielle Software installieren müssen. Ein Web OS bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die traditionelle Betriebssysteme wie Windows oder macOS bieten, wie Dateiverwaltung, Multitasking und Benutzerverwaltung. Beispiele für Web OS sind Chrome OS von Google und WebOS von HP. Es ermöglicht Benutzern, von verschiedenen Geräten aus auf ihre Daten und Anwendungen zuzugreifen, solange sie eine Internetverbindung haben.
Hat web de eine Störung?
Hat eine Störung? Diese Frage kann nicht pauschal beantwortet werden, da Störungen bei Internetdiensten wie häufig auftreten können. Es ist ratsam, die offiziellen Kanäle von zu überprüfen, um Informationen zu aktuellen Störungen zu erhalten. Es kann auch hilfreich sein, in Online-Foren oder auf sozialen Medien nach Erfahrungen anderer Nutzer zu suchen, um festzustellen, ob es sich um ein individuelles Problem oder eine weit verbreitete Störung handelt. Letztendlich kann es auch sinnvoll sein, den Kundenservice von zu kontaktieren, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und mögliche Lösungen für Probleme zu finden.
Was ist ein Web RIP?
Ein Web RIP ist eine Software oder ein Tool, das verwendet wird, um den Inhalt einer Website herunterzuladen und zu speichern. Es kann dazu verwendet werden, um eine Kopie einer Website für den Offline-Zugriff zu erstellen oder um den Inhalt einer Website zu archivieren. Ein Web RIP kann auch dazu verwendet werden, um bestimmte Elemente einer Website wie Bilder, Videos oder Texte zu extrahieren. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass das Herunterladen von Inhalten einer Website ohne Erlaubnis des Website-Betreibers illegal sein kann. Daher sollte ein Web RIP nur mit Genehmigung des Website-Betreibers oder für legale Zwecke verwendet werden.
Gibt es das Marianas Web?
Das Marianas Web ist ein Begriff, der in der Internetgemeinschaft verwendet wird, um auf eine hypothetische Schicht des Internets zu verweisen, die angeblich nur von einer ausgewählten Gruppe von Personen zugänglich ist. Es gibt jedoch keine konkreten Beweise für die Existenz des Marianas Webs, und es wird oft als Mythos oder Verschwörungstheorie angesehen. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass das Internet sehr komplex ist und es möglicherweise Bereiche gibt, die der Öffentlichkeit nicht bekannt sind, aber dies bedeutet nicht zwangsläufig, dass es ein geheimes Netzwerk namens Marianas Web gibt.
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