Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Marcotte-Ethan-Responsive-Web:
Responsive Web Design , Since its groundbreaking release in 2011, Responsive Web Design remains a fundamental resource for anyone working on the web. Learn how to think beyond the desktop, and craft designs that respond to your users' needs. In the second edition, Ethan Marcotte expands on the design principles behind fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries. Through new examples and updated facts and figures, you'll learn how to deliver a quality experience, no matter how large or small the display. WHAT'S NEW IN THE SECOND EDITION? Discover new tips and tricks for browser support, take a closer look at solutions for serving images, explore the role of progressive enhancement in web design, find better methods for managing bandwidth, and more. Follow along with the new examples and approaches Ethan has assembled, and dive in to his meticulously revised code samples. , >
Preis: 39.09 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Responsive Web Development , Bridging web and mobile for next-gen user experiences DESCRIPTION The book explores how modern web and mobile technologies come together. It focuses on using the same strategies to ensure smooth user experiences on different platforms. It highlights how to build applications that share common code but also adapt to the specific needs of each platform. This guide helps you build modern, responsive websites that work perfectly on any device. Learn core responsive design principles with media queries and breakpoints. Create intuitive navigation for web and mobile, use CSS3 Flexbox and Grid for mobile-first designs, optimize performance, ensure quality with testing tools, and follow security best practices. Explore Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), voice search optimization, offline functionality, and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for inclusive design. By following this guide, you will become a well-rounded web and mobile developer, equipped to create innovative and high-performing applications that thrive in the ever-changing digital world. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN ¿ Responsive design principles and frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, etc. ¿ CSS preprocessors (such as SASS or LESS) for streamlined styling. ¿ Mobile optimization techniques like media queries, flexbox, and grid layouts. ¿ Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) for enhanced web experiences on mobile. ¿ Performance optimization tools for faster loading times. ¿ Offline data caching and synchronization technologies for mobile apps. WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is perfect for developers, software engineers, and tech enthusiasts looking for a thorough understanding of unified web and mobile application development. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 42.98 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Responsive Web Design in Practice , Today's library patrons are browsing the Web on a variety of devices including tablets, e-readers, mobile phones, and desktops. Responsive web design employs techniques that will enable your library's website to automatically adapt to whatever screen size it's being viewed on. Learn how to utilize CSS techniques such as fluid grids and flexible images combined with responsive design techniques such as media queries to deliver an optimal experience for your library patrons regardless of device. Design one website to fit them all. With both beginner and expert developers in mind, this complete handbook guides the reader through the process of developing and launching their own Responsive Web Designs and introduces the craft of building multi-screen experiences. Online demos and downloadable code files are included for all projects: ·Adapting your Existing Layout into a Responsive Layout - A RWD Retrofit ·Building a Responsive Layout from Scratch - A RWD Bookreader ·Creating a Responsive Contact Form - "Get a Library Card" ·Creating a Responsive Search Interface ·Creating a Responsive Single Page Application - "Mobile Feed App" ·Using an RWD Framework for a complete site: Twitter Bootstrap , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 128.20 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Responsive Web Design in Practice , Today's library patrons are browsing the Web on a variety of devices including tablets, e-readers, mobile phones, and desktops. Responsive web design employs techniques that will enable your library's website to automatically adapt to whatever screen size it's being viewed on. Learn how to utilize CSS techniques such as fluid grids and flexible images combined with responsive design techniques such as media queries to deliver an optimal experience for your library patrons regardless of device. Design one website to fit them all. With both beginner and expert developers in mind, this complete handbook guides the reader through the process of developing and launching their own Responsive Web Designs and introduces the craft of building multi-screen experiences. Online demos and downloadable code files are included for all projects: ·Adapting your Existing Layout into a Responsive Layout - A RWD Retrofit ·Building a Responsive Layout from Scratch - A RWD Bookreader ·Creating a Responsive Contact Form - "Get a Library Card" ·Creating a Responsive Search Interface ·Creating a Responsive Single Page Application - "Mobile Feed App" ·Using an RWD Framework for a complete site: Twitter Bootstrap , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 71.67 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Especially for You , I'm a Christian and an American, two precious, unmatchable, irreplaceable gifts. I am extremely grateful for both and never want to lose them. This is my explanation of these gifts, especially for you, what they mean for you and everyone as well as myself, the whole purpose of our lives. I want to share them with you, even if you don't call yourself Christian or American. This provides epiphanies. Hopefully, you will see more clearly the value, the worth, the truth of these gifts. The reward for you, for me, for us is happiness beginning with "ten thousand years bright shining as the sun with no less days to sing God's praise than when we'd first begun." This provides a special recipe, not for food, but the necessary elements for obtaining that reward. Christ provided the way for us, he proclaimed it clearly, he showed us how to get there, through certain attitudes, eight in all, which we must blend into one. This also provides an example of the exact opposite, the antithesis, which can rob us of these gifts if we do not live and act according to Christ's teachings to be blessed. We could not get a photo for the back cover. Please add your own recall of the events of January 6, 2021, the truth which we all saw. A mob climbing the walls, battering the windows and doors to get in, the gallows to hang Vice President Pence, the hollering to find Nancy Pelosi, and the violence and desecration of our Capitol. All of this was in an attempt to prevent Congress from doing its duty as representatives of our democracy to designate a new President. January 6, 2021, was the most significant attempted Presidential crime in American history. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 15.35 € | Versand*: 0 €
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